How much does it cost to develop a mobile app in 2024?

From a development company’s perspective, the costs of mobile app development based on the average Central and Eastern European hourly rate ($50) range, as follows:

cost to develop an app

Why the wide range? As with most things, app development costs depend on what you want.

The cost of creating an app depends on the following factors:

  • complexity of project requirements
  • seniority level of the team or developer performing the job
  • degree of design elaboration
  • possible risks of scope creep

Check out Greg Raiz, a successful angel investor, mentor, and recovering entrepreneur, briefly discussing the basic factors of development price formation:

cost of developing an app

Or, better, read about the pricing factors in more detail below. 

Budget templates and estimate examples are included.

You do not have to guesstimate on your own.

Let’s initiate project discovery and turn its results into a fixed-price agreement.

Discuss details

1 Key Benchmarks on App Development Costs

Let’s focus on statistics related to app development costs and budgeting. Those help us detect market trends and interests. 

Key highlights of the market state and trends include:

  • App competition is intense. The number of apps in the App Store grew from 500 in 2008 to a peak of 2.2M in 2017. It is expected to have 1.8+M apps throughout 2024, up from 1.6M apps as of the third quarter of 2022. (Sources: BankMyCell, Statista)
  • Google Play surpassed 1M apps in July 2013, peaking at about 3.6M in March 2018. The number of apps in December 2023 was 2.44M. (Source: Statista)
  • In February 2024, developers released about 52,000 in the Google Store (Source: Statista)
  • iOS users received 37,000 new app releases in February 2024 compared to 31,500 in March 2023. (Source: Statista)
  • Consumer apps have outpaced gaming apps. The categories with the biggest consumer spending worldwide in 2023 included entertainment ($1.72B), social media ($0.98), productivity ($0.92), books and reference ($0.61B), photo and video ($0.43B), Generative AI ($0.14B), health and fitness ($0.39B). (Source: Data AI)
  • The App Store’s projected revenue is expected to reach $111.88B, while the entire projected revenue of the mobile industry is estimated to grow to $522.7B. (Source: BankMyCell)
  • The Amazon Appstore is the third-largest platform, offering approximately 530,000 apps. Almost 104,000, or 19.6% of them, are paid. (Source: 42matters)
  • Consumers are expected to download 2.9T apps globally from 2021 – 2030, compared to 1.3T between 2011 and 2020. (Source: Data AI)
  • The average app price in the Apple App Store equals $0.73 as of January 2024. Users are likely to pay $0.79 on average for an app and $0.47 for a game. (Source: Statista)
  • Mobile apps dominate over mobile websites. Users can see 4.2 times more products during an app session than a website. Conversion rates are thereby three times higher. (Source: MobilLoud)
  • 87% of retailers agree that app users are more loyal and have a higher lifetime value than non-app users. (Source: Think with Google)
  • 70% of apps require a Discovery Phase. (Source: Clutch)
  • Discovery Phase is critical for app success. Based on a NNG’s study, 83% of those who did were positive about their project’s success, and 13% were neutral. (Source: Nielsen Norman Group)
  • Nine in ten mobile users describing their brand experience as useful are likely to purchase from the brand again. (Source: Toptal)
  • iOS developers are more expensive than Android developers. A US iOS developer's salary ranges $91,000 – $164,000 annually, while an Android developer can earn $84,000 – $151,000. (Source: Glassdoor)
  • Development costs can be lower for a hybrid app than a native app by 60% to 80%, and the development time can decrease by 2 – 3 times. (Source: Ionic)
  • Costs of hiring an outsourcing team rise from East to West, except for Australia. Eastern Asia is the cheapest region. North America, EU, and Australia are the most expensive. Central and Eastern Europe provides a balanced ratio. (See below)
  • Companies can save up to 60% of their in-house development budget while applying to outsourcing services. (Source: WhatToBecome)
  • Using pre-built templates, open-source tools, and third-party APIs can reduce app development costs by up to 30% to 50%. Yet, factor challenging integrations and increased software maintenance costs due to regular subscriptions. (Source: IT Craft)
  • Businesses rely heavily on cloud technologies: 89.35% of mobile apps use cloud storage, while 54% use three cloud providers. (Source: CloudZero)
  • The overall IT spending worldwide will grow to 6.8%, reaching $5T. (Source: Gartner)

2 Factors Affecting Application Costs

The two key criteria determining average app development costs are the total number of hours needed to launch an app multiplied by the hourly rate developers charge for their services. As effort and time increase, so do costs.

How much does an app cost to develop? Here is the formula:

app cost formula

The scope of work depends on the complexity of project requirements:

  • number of app screens
  • elaboration of visual design
  • number of platforms
  • length of the feature list
  • complexity of business logic and server infrastructure
  • sensitivity of processed user data
  • integrations of third-party services

A service provider’s type, region, and expertise level determine average app development costs. North American companies are 2 – 3 times more expensive than Central and Eastern European companies and 2 – 5 times more expensive than Asian.

custom app development cost

Let’s analyze the details.

Cost of App Development by Complexity

App development costs based on complexity fall into three main categories:

  • basic
  • average
  • high
how much does it cost to build an app
  • Basic Apps

A basic app usually has five to eight screens. It can neither exchange nor synchronize data with a database. It means no data analysis. 

Basic apps provide some static data, such as business cards. They enable making one or two very easy actions, such as choosing an item and adding it to a user profile, list, etc., but cannot change item parameters.

Examples: shopping list app, reminder app.

  • Average-Complexity Apps

Costs of developing an app of average complexity tend to fall within the price range of most businesses. 

These apps can have several functions, which can be quite complex. For example, an online store app can have 10+ screens, integration with the company’s website, and payment systems. 

Shipment options and rating features are also possible.

Examples: order management app (without integrations), promotional app.

  • Highly Complex Mobile Apps

Complex mobile apps top the list in terms of app development costs. A complex app could include:

  • different integrations
  • admin panel
  • database and API
  • complex features requiring access to smartphone hardware
  • data collection and analysis
  • chat or video calls

…and more.

Examples: video streaming app, marketplace app, social networking app.

Estimated App Development Cost by Type

App type determines feature list and complexity levels. Knowing the app type lets the team put together project requirements quickly and estimate cost to build an app efficiently. Here is a list of the least to most labor-intensive types:

mobile app development cost
  • Learning app – Ensure users can perform learning activities, e.g., complete tasks, do exercises, participate in class training, etc.
  • Fitness app – Help users stay in good shape.
  • Social media app – Connect people into a community; provide them with networking and content.
  • Indoor positioning and navigation app – guide users through a venue; locate items inside a building.
  • Healthcare app – Simplify clinic workflow. Provide patients with access to their medical services from anywhere.
  • On-demand app – Help users find and order different goods and services when needed.
  • Marketplace app – Provide a space where users can meet professionals who help them solve specific tasks quickly and transparently.
  • Telemedicine app – Provide patients with remote consultations; enable doctors to start case conferences.

Cost of App Development by Region

When checking out development costs, you will see smartphone app development costs increase as you go from East to West, except for Australia, which is also expensive.

The US, Canada, Australia, and Western European countries have the highest developer rates.

average cost to develop an app

So, how much does an app cost to develop in different regions? Based on geographical region, they look the following way:

how much does it cost to build an app

An important note here: app development costs also fluctuate within each region depending on a company’s expertise. 

A company with a solid, proven portfolio, 10+ years in the market, and an office in the USA has a higher hourly rate than a younger, less-experienced company with a small portfolio and no office in the US/EU/Australia.

Costs of Hiring App Developers

Organizations envisaging a mobile app project can choose between:

  • hiring an in-house team,
  • working with a freelancer or several freelancers, or
  • engaging a dedicated team at an outsourcing provider.

Each option has benefits and drawbacks. 

The direct and indirect costs of developing a mobile app are the highest with an in-house team. However, the organization gains improved project control and retains project knowledge. 

Freelancers are the least expensive option for hiring. They strive to complete the work fast and with high quality. Still, scaling can be difficult. Also, freelancers might not be interested in occasional maintenance tasks, which can extend costs of source code maintenance.  

An outsourcing team takes a middle position. The hiring organization enjoys a transparent cost structure and improved software support, while the vendor is responsible for team management. However, it must hire the best available team to evade potential pitfalls.

app development price

Costs of Native vs. Cross-Platform Apps

The three main approaches to mobile apps include:

  • native
  • cross-platform (+hybrid)
  • Progressive Web App (PWA)
mobile app development technologies

The native approach refers to using platform-specific programming languages to deliver mobile apps. Software developers launch two separate code bases for each platform plus a web solution if required. 

The native approach is the most expensive but guarantees the best performance.

Cross-platform/hybrid means software developers use special frameworks (React Native, Flutter, .NET, etc.) to create a shared codebase, which frameworks translate into native code.

The cross-platform approach enables the team to save up to 60% of mobile app development costs. However, specific limitations in performance and access to device features apply. 

Progressive web app technology lets businesses convert a web solution into a mobile app within the least possible time and budget. Still, its performance optimization capabilities and features are limited.

How much does developing an app cost?

Share your concerns with our leading experts in mobile app development. We can help you make a solid estimate.

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3 App Creation Process: App Cost by Stages

Determining the price range is only a part of the challenge. Proper cost allocation during each development stage plays a vital role. 

As with all projects, the development team does more than develop code to create an app and successfully launch it.

app development stages

Let’s check mobile app development costs across the life cycle:

software development stages

Discovery and Planning

Discovery and planning is the first stage of app development, which is crucial for success. The team discusses business goals, specifics, and limitations with the client. It also conducts a study if the answers are general.

The team uses the collected insights to compose a list of requirements, prepare a plan, and make estimates based on them. It coordinates all deliverables of this stage with the client. 

Cost and timeline of discovery and planning stage:

developing an app cost

UX/UI Design

The team works on the future app’s user flow and visual elements. It prepares wireframes and forms a map of screens to present logical connections between screens. 

After the client approves the map, designers work on the UI. Project designers might need a user study and several improvement iterations to make a straightforward design that end users will love. 

Cost and timeline of UX/UI design stage:

cost of building an app

Back-end development

The back end is the project part where calculations, data storage, and processing occur.

The optimized back-end part is critical for open and immediate client-server interaction. As a result, the success of the server part and server logic relies heavily on developers’ skills and experience as well as their understanding of the client’s processes.

Admin Panel is necessary for efficient system control, ensuring the business can easily track vital app parameters and manage mobile users.

developing an app cost

Client Mobile Application Development

The team develops the functionality of mobile apps using the envisaged approach. 

It delivers a separate app for each mobile platform using the native approach. The same codebase is adapted to the platforms using a cross-platform approach.

cost of app development

Quality Assurance

QA and testing must be carried out as part of each Sprint to ensure high-quality new deliveries. 

QAs determine if there is full compliance with both concept and functional requirements. 

The launch deadline depends on detecting bugs and resolving issues quickly. QA engineers deploy test automation at scale on large projects. Automated tests decrease the costs of specific checks, e.g., regression, scalability, load, and more.

how much does an app cost to develop

Solution Deployment

The review process takes time on the store side. 

To pass the review fast, the team must prepare a package that includes:

  • a title,
  • a short description
  • a detailed description, and
  • several screenshots in predetermined sizes.

The team must also deploy the app on live servers when required and make them available to end users.

app development price

Project Management

Project management is not a separate stage of app development per se. Instead, they distribute their efforts throughout the entire lifecycle. 

The project manager’s role is important for the team’s efficiency and productivity. Project managers work on project planning and team coordination, ensuring a shared vision among all project participants, meeting deadlines, and more.

how much does it cost to develop a mobile app

App Development Budget Template

Budgeting clarifies where possible risks and optimization opportunities lie when you outsource app development.

For instance, the IT Craft team presents an estimate during the initial project stages. It includes a detailed feature list and a work-base statement containing all project-related activities. 

Our experts use a budget template to divide a project into milestones, which are used in turn for each sprint planning. 

Each Sprint starts with a separate estimate and ends with a report. The numbers serve for progress tracking and adjustments if required.

An budget estimate template looks the following way:

custom app development cost

4 Hidden Costs of Building an App

When answering the question “How much does it cost to start an app?” remember that app expenses do not end with its launch. Add updates, scaling, indirect marketing costs, etc., to your budget plan. 

Even though it is difficult to determine the exact cost of a mobile app after the product release, let’s analyze the main cost-generative factors and their impact.

how much does an app cost to develop

After-Launch Maintenance

A team must ensure the app is available on all user devices. It must also monitor app servers to avoid any downtime. 

App maintenance will cost its owner 15% – 20% of initial app development costs per year. 

Hence, total costs will look the following way:

developing an app cost

Third-Party Integrations

Third-party solutions significantly decrease development time. Yet, they become regular expenses once an app is launched. These expenses increase with user base growth: payment plans are segmented based on certain usage criteria.

  • Advice: Carefully plan what services your app will need and to what extent.

Multiplatform support

Both mobile OSs and third-party services are constantly updated. In some cases, apps can stop working after an update. 

Unfortunately, no one can forecast how long app updates will take or which apps will stop working. Still, the team must fix the problem as soon as possible.

  • Advice: Consider launching an app for one single platform under limited resources. This lets you focus on the required quality.


Third-party services get deprecated, reach the end of life, or shut down. Service providers often offer free migration tools to help mitigate migration-related risks and losses. Yet, you need someone to help you transmit your environment to a new provider.

  • Advice: Reserve a certain budget for changes and stay in touch with the team that can help you solve the problem fast.


As an app owner, you must be aware of scalability. If your app gets more hits than expected, you must prepare to scale up server infrastructure. The opposite is also true: you must downscale to avoid unnecessary payments when user load decreases.

  • Advice: Estimate carefully the number of users to optimize required resources. Also, consider hiring DevOps engineers who constantly improve infrastructure.

Marketing costs

Due to fierce competition for user time, user acquisition and retention costs can easily exceed development costs three times and higher. A business must be clear of project goals and ready to adapt different strategies to meet user needs.

  • Advice: Conduct regular market research and analyses of essential metrics to evaluate project health.

5 How to Reduce App Development Costs

Risks are that total app development costs can change considerably from the initially agreed amount. 

Still, businesses can optimize costs to develop an app by:

Setting Project Limits

Outlining the budget range during the initial call is essential. It lets the team prioritize the most important features. The team suggests a path that balances scope and deliverables and abides by it.

Establishing Communication

Programming outsourcing is a winning strategy when the client and the development team invest in project success. To keep pace with the project timeline, a product owner must be available to answer any clarifying questions the team asks.

Selecting a Team Having Domain Knowledge

Without specific domain knowledge, e.g., app development for startups, developers might be too optimistic about their estimates. 

A client who wants a project launched fast can urge them to quickly provide an estimate (i.e., guesstimate). Still, it is possible when developers know the industry and notice extensive elements affecting the total project scope.

Initiating Discovery for Challenging Project Requirements

Businesses must innovate to beat the competition. Yet, dealing with novelty may take longer than anticipated. Developers might need to design and test specific algorithms. 

Project discovery lets the team evaluate idea feasibility without spending too much and determine an optimum path.

Choosing the Right Pricing Model

Knowing project costs ahead helps startups with budget planning. However, it challenges complex projects as all changes are discussed separately, taking time and resources. 

Time and material work for projects with flexible requirements, helping anticipate and overcome long-term challenges. Still, it may create unnecessary complexity on simple projects, increasing the cost of app development.

Are you looking for cost-effective app development?

Send us your requirements. We will help you design a path optimizing custom app development costs.

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6 What to Pay Attention to When Choosing an App Development Company? (Checklist)

When looking for app developers, ensure the team is flexible, open, and ready to discuss issues with you.

When evaluating the future project team, examine the following points:

  • Invest time into research.

Make a list of requirements for your future development team. Consider your priorities (cost of app development? code quality? timeline? etc.) Go through Clutch reviews to check how well the team coped with priorities that were the same or similar to yours, e.g., Android app development.

  • Explore team stability and company reviews.

Check the company’s reviews and ratings provided by its current and former employees. You need specialists’ full focus on your project, not finding a better working place. 

For instance, many of IT Craft’s leading specialists have been working for 5+ years in the company.

  • Carefully evaluate communication.

Keep an eye on the team’s actions during and after calls. What questions do they ask? Are they transparent? Do they create a sense of urgency?

Ensure developers understand you and your concerns. They are on the same page regarding project goals and limits.

  • Put low estimates aside.

An unreasonably low quote signalizes hidden costs. The project will cost you 2-3 higher because of extra charges. Or because the company’s developers lack expertise. You do not need either.

  • Start with the discovery stage or a pilot task.

It is safe to start with the discovery stage or a pilot task.

Both parties can evaluate each other and decide on the best cooperation terms. As the client, you determine whether the development team can handle it. The team better understands you and your project.

7 Risks of Constantly Increasing App Development Costs: Be Careful!

Risks occur when the development team comes in with an unrealistic or wrong project scenario. The team may lack experience or want a client to sign on the bottom line. 

Risks of unnecessary app development costs might remain unnoticed at the project start. They will accelerate like an avalanche, with compounding costs spiraling out of control.

  • A dishonest service provider

A disreputable company provides a below-cost estimate just to get the client’s signature on the contract. Yet, terms are undetailed, intending to cover expenses with hidden costs.

  • Poor UX/UI design

A nice, intuitive, clear design takes time and expertise. If the team does not understand how the app will work, if it lacks expertise in a user study and UX implementation, users will get no benefits. They will close the app and virtually walk away.

  • Irrelevant technologies

Overengineering causes creep in development and maintenance costs. Underengineering results in increased update costs or even blocked feature expansion. When an app rests on an outdated tech stack, its lifecycle is short. You should avoid all three scenarios.

  • Source code quality

Source code quality affects app performance and maintenance costs. Updates become expensive when the development team takes too much time figuring out why new code does not work or checking whether any or all functionality remains available after an update.

  • Technical debt

The development team may be required to cut corners to deliver as fast as possible, ensuring business value. Yet, the team must address technical debt after the launch. Otherwise, it will block project success in the long run, challenging app maintenance and expansion.

8 How Much Does it Cost to Build an App at IT Craft?

It depends on your goals, vision, and requirements. Upon Discovery Stage, a precise estimate is possible — check IT Craft’s Startup Kit for more details. 

Here are two specific examples of two MVP apps to help you make a bigger picture:


RooQi creates recruitment opportunities by connecting young athletes and coaches directly with each other. Athletes can showcase their talents, follow teams, and message coaches. Coaches can search and follow rising stars.

The client partnered with IT Craft to acquire needed technical expertise for building an MVP iOS app quickly and efficiently.


Key Activities:

  • IT Craft engineers analyzed the client’s vision and calculated thoroughly its scope in detail to provide an accurate project estimate.
  • They delivered an MVP on time while remaining within the predicted budget and scope with a highly scalable solution.


99coaches enables football and basketball coaches to plan and manage training sessions effectively. They can add exercises from the library or create their own. Then, they manage details such as order, time, set per exercise, etc.


Scope and project activities activities:

  • The client initially had a project prototype. Yet, IT Craft engineers started from scratch to improve all aspects (app logic, infrastructure, source code) and launch the app MVP.
  • After project launch, the team focused on maintenance and expansion to different sports

Selected cross-platform approach ensured:

  • a decreased delivery time
  • simultaneous update releases to all platforms without tedious reviews in app stores.

Benefits for users:

Coaches track training attendance and team progress. It is possible to manage several teams from one profile. Constant app synchronization ensures instant availability of all information.

The offline mode lets coaches reach necessary information even without stable internet connection.

Workload Breakdown Affecting Main App Costs

Here is a little insight into the timeline needed to deliver app functionality. It helps you make a bigger picture of how much a single feature might cost. 

Below is an approximate app development cost breakdown for certain app features:

app development cost breakdown

The estimated scope encompasses basic functionality. The average cost of app development increases when custom features are added.

There is more for you. Estimates for three types of apps available give you a clearer understanding of typical project costs. 

Click on the link below, and the estimate will open in a new tab as a PDF file:

9 App Cost Calculator

Do you want to try estimating costs on your own? 

Then, your choice is the app cost calculator. 

How much does it cost to build a mobile app? Check it out. Pick up the options you envision, simple or complex. 

The calculator guides you through the essentials of the estimation process within ten steps. 

It takes only 5 – 10 minutes of your time.

app cost calculator

You get:

  • required working hours
  • app development cost estimate
  • recommended team composition

All information is available as a PDF and emailed to your address. Nothing gets lost.


How much does app development cost?

It is hard to guestimate the costs of your mobile app without actual app requirements. 

Depending on project complexity, the following costs are needed to develop and launch basic app functionality: 

Basic apps: $10,000 – $16,500

Average-complexity apps: $40,000 – $71,500

Complex mobile apps: $75,000 – $220,000

How much does it cost to maintain an app?

On average, app maintenance costs make up 15% – 20% of total app development costs per year. For example, if your app development costs you $50,000, maintenance costs will range between $7,500 and $10,000.

How much does it cost to build a custom app?

Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to this question. Any app development price range is based on average functionality. It may or may not align with your app. 

Still, if you want an answer for your specific case, let’s start a discovery stage. Our team examines your idea or requirements and prepares a solid estimate. 


How long does it take to make an app?

Depending on project size and complexity: 

  • simple app takes 1 – 2 months
  • middle-sized app takes 3 – 5 months
  • complex app requires 6 – 8 months