Custom Software Development Services For Startups

We support your startup at each step to help you pivot more easily and enhance your product’s durability. Our engineering experts are dedicated to distilling your idea, creating a practical plan, and transforming it into software development for startups. Here’s how we can help:

  • Plan and execute quickly
  • Get traction and pitch for investment
  • Test ideas and adapt to user feedback
  • Find product-market fit
  • Discover new niches and opportunities
  • Grow and retain paying users
Pivot Today
  • PeakFactor
  • Adorama
  • Nandos
  • Fielodne
  • flexwise
  • Diamonds
  • RocketRoute

Who We Are

We are here to help you at any point of your journey — idea, pre-seed, seed, series A, and beyond:

  • End-to-end, fixed-price MVP development – to launch fast, engage investors, get first early adopters, and save budget for future transformations.
  • Team replacement – to stay on track in any challenging situation.
  • Project discovery, prototyping, and pitch deck presentation – to help early-stage startups determine user pains, test market fit, and attract investors.
  • Post-MVP project expansion – to turn your MVP into a fully featured product and withstand market pressure.
  • DevOps for scaling and growth cost optimization – to effectively manage custom software development for startups while growing.
  • Staff augmentation – to help you quickly improve and accelerate by adding skills & rare expertise.

Years in the market


Startup launches


Funding raised


Startups afloat

Custom Software Development Services For Startups

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Startup Product Development 

First, we build an efficient product plan for your confidence. Next, we implement it step-by-step, from prototype to MVP development and beyond.

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Startups must maintain a flexible and realistic strategy. When choosing software development for startups at IT Craft, you get help building and validating a project roadmap while adjusting to changing circumstances.

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The success of software development for startups depends heavily on technical leadership. At IT Craft, we assign a dedicated person to help you map out and test a plan, figure out technical implementation, and respond to market challenges.

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Our Portfolio

Our Startup Software Development Case Studies

Stories of people who got their dream software up and running by opting to outsourcing software development for startups.


Martin Berg, Co-founder at 99coaches

“The Agile approach of IT Craft to develop the app is just meeting our needs perfectly to scale the product in the best possible way.”


Chris Scheid, Founder at MyCarrier

“They’re tremendous at documenting progress and follow through. Their diligence gives me more freedom to run my business.”


Charles Sakkal, Founder at eLaundry

“The whole team is much dedicated to the work which is something you can’t get at a lot of other software companies. There is a 100% transparency in the company which I love because I like to always know what’s going on.”

  • Clutch
  • Upwork
  • Goodfirms

Let’s turn your idea
into a disrupting solution.

Our software development services for startups adjust efficiently to the customers’ increasing expectations.

Pivot Today

Our Process

  • Discovery

    From Day 1, you are surrounded with a value-driven approach to product planning and software development for startups. Our leading engineers and managers clarify and enrich your idea, turning it into an actionable plan.

    Based on IT Craft’s acquired expertise, you launch faster and for less. Change management is simplified.

    We sign an NDA before any discussion starts to ensure your intellectual property is safe with us.

    Based on a Nielsen Norman Group study, 83% of respondents who did a discovery stage mentioned their project was a success, and 13% were neutral. 48% of respondents who skipped project discovery were disappointed with the received outcome.
    Itcraft logo IT Craft Team
  • Product design and planning

    After putting your vision in black and white, we determine scope, budget, timeline, and deliverables with you to align with your expectations.

    The team maps out a plan, designs system architecture, and prepares wireframes.  It prepares a clickable or tech prototype to eliminate risks when necessary.

    They [IT Craft engineers] make development easy for clients with more business expertise than technical savvy.
    Photo Chris Scheid, Co-founder, MyCarrier
  • Software development

    The team works on your project in fast-paced iterations.
    You get a deliverable every 2 weeks, which enables you to test results and reevaluate the next steps.

    Fast response to emerging business challenges comes into the foreground. Your team switches flexibly to new priorities when your business needs them.

    As a startup, you will be doing planning all the time. You must be Agile, adapting to the changing business environment.
    Itcraft logo

    Volodymyr Borodin, Head of Web and Mobile Dev Development Department, PMP

  • Launch

    The development team develops, tests, and stabilizes the entire codebase. When it is ready, engineers deploy it on live servers and help you publish your apps in app stores if requested.

    The post-launch guarantee period is a part of the services provided by our software development company for startups, ensuring that the team stays with you in constant touch in case you need help.

    Follow the key steps to successful product implementation: a determined founder capable to solve users’ burning points, a solution path, and the right implementation partner, ready to go an extra mile for you.
    Itcraft logo IT Craft
  • Enhancements

    The team can help you with updates and upgrades while you are raising an investment..

    Or you can add more people to your project once you decide to grow and expand. We bring in more resources to help you cope with the surging scope of work effectively.

    At IT Craft, we focus on value-driven development. We determine what features bring you the most value for the least investment and find a cost-effective implementation. This enables you to improve your startup's sustainability.

    Egor Gatskalov, Head of Custom SoftwareDev Development Department, IT Craft

Benefits of our Startup Development Services


Problem: You must be an expert in your industry. If you dive too deeply into business and tech details simultaneously, you may lose focus, failing to meet customer needs effectively.

Our solution: You focus on user problems. Our team helps with any required software development services for startups: technologies, architecture, and requirements implementation.

Product ownership

Problem: 32% of startups fail because of an irrelevant team and lack of common vision or motivation among its members.

Our solution: You count on a proactive approach at IT Craft. Our engineers use acquired expertise to offer a solution that fits your vision and positively impacts the project.

Resource management
& Scalability

Problem: Finding a niche and specialization can take 2-3 times longer than you might initially expect. And when you see it finally, you must act fast.

Our solution: At IT Craft, you can start small with product discovery and market-fit research. We scale your team rapidly when you carve out your niche and switch to product development.


Problem: Timing is among the top 3 factors for startups. Your startup may fail because you have nothing to demonstrate to potential investors, or you lose users to your competitors by delivering too slowly.

Our solution: We help you launch faster by focusing on essential functionality, introducing automation at scale, decreasing iteration time for faster turnaround, and more.

Technologies for Startup Development Services

  • laravel


  • node.js


  • angular


  • vue


  • react

    React. JS

  • C#


  • Yii


  • HTML5


  • JavaScript


  • CSS3


  • Java


  • Symfony


  • .NET Core

    .NET Core

  • Python


  • PHP


  • Java


  • Objective-C


  • Flutter


  • Kotlin


  • Swift


  • React Native

    React Native

  • Kubernetes


  • Docker


  • Terraform


  • Google Cloud Platfrom

    Google Cloud Platfrom

  • Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure

  • AWS


  • Chef


  • Puppet


  • Ansible


  • Bamboo


  • TeamCity


  • Github Actions

    Github Actions

  • GitlabCI


  • Jenkins


  • Zeplin


  • Figma


  • Adobe XD

    Adobe XD

  • Sketch


  • Balsamiq


  • InVision


  • SoapUI


  • Selenium


  • Apache JMeter

    Apache JMeter

  • SpecFlow


  • nUnit


  • Postman


questions from our clients

What happens after the first contact?

Here is our routine for custom software development for startups:

  1. Sign an NDA
  2. Determine needs and goals
  3. Prepare a proposal for development
  4. Finalize details
  5. Sign a contract
  6. Develop software
  7. Launch
  8. Start post-launch guarantee support
  9. Add new functionality upon user feedback

Do you work with a third-party codebase?

Yes, we work with third-party codebases. We can update or add new features to a codebase produced by third-party developers. However, custom software development for startups includes a code inspection in this case to ensure we adhere to deadlines and quality standards.

Do you accept fixed-price projects?

Yes, fixed-price software development for startups is possible for projects with a clearly defined scope. Send your requirements, and we will provide you with a development path that suits you the best.

What are your payment terms?

For large projects, payments for our software development services for startups are due by milestones. After a sprint, you get a report with the working hours on the project and access to the new functionality. After you do acceptance testing, the payment is due.

For fixed-price projects, 50% of the project price is due after project kick-off; the rest is due after you sign off on project completion.

I don’t have a tech background. Can we establish cooperation?

Yes, of course. You get a solution for your business needs whether you have technical experience or not. Outsourcing software development for startups is like going to the dentist, you get quality service even if you have no medical background.

What details should I provide in a project specification?

Yes, changes are an essential part of custom software development for startups. Just describe your idea in as much detail as you are able.

Or schedule a meeting with our software developers. We note down your requirements, deadline, and budget. The journey for a startup can then begin from idea to successful launch.

Another company has quoted a much lower price for the same feature list. Why shouldn’t I go with them?

The choice of a software development company for startups is solely yours to make. However, you should always evaluate what is included in the proposal.

For instance, IT Craft proposals for software development include all software development stages–documentation, design, development, testing, and launch. Post-launch guarantee is included.

Farshore companies charge lower rates, but cultural misunderstandings are high. This could result in higher costs for you—much higher. Check with others who have used these companies about the quality delivered and whether or not deadlines were met.

You get access to your project in a management system. We use Jira, Trello, and Asana to monitor the development process.

How do I know you deliver quality?

A dependable software development company for startups delivers code with minimum bugs. We say “minimum” because getting rid of ALL bugs is impossible.

Hence, it is important how developers handle and control them. This is why our developers:

  • write code based on coding standards
  • do regular code reviews
  • use code analyzers
  • refactor legacy code
  • ...and more

Also, QA checks code quality using both manual and automated testing.
All this makes it possible to ensure product quality regularly in both development and testing.

Which is the best startup software company?

The best software development company for startups is the one that manages to meet your expectations on price and robustness of processes.

Use the following criteria to select the best company for your project:

  • types of services – what skills and knowledge they provide in a specific area
  • project complexity – what types of projects they have handled successfully
  • testimonies – what other clients write about the quality of their services
  • availability – how fast they can start working on your software

How long does startup software development take?

It depends on the project's scope and complexity.

Usually, the timeline of custom software development for startups is based on the following: 

  • prototype – 1 to 2 months
  • MVP – 4 to 6 months
  • fully featured software – 6 to 9 months (sometimes up to 15 months)

How do you communicate with your client?

To communicate, we use whatever works best for you: Zoom, Skype, Slack, or WhatsApp.

Can you scale the project team?

Yes, we can scale our project team. We monitor your project progress and add people if extra help is needed for successful outsourcing software development for startups.

Do you offer support and maintenance?

Yes, we offer post-launch support and maintenance. The same team continues working on the app. We also assign a team of superheroes to support your servers.

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