Angular Development Services

Reach your end users effectively with IT Craft’s all-in-one Angular development services. 

Together, we establish the shortest development path based on your business goals and limitations. We work proactively on its implementation while you can focus on increasing your customer base.

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Why use Angular?

When you have diverse requirements, Angular works best for you. It meets the demands of startups and enterprises alike for robust, resilient software. 

Why businesses select Angular development services for their next app:

Large ecosystem

Angular provides a coherent app structure, templates, productivity, and testing tools thus, considerably shortening development time.

Component-based architecture

Its modular architecture and battery-included approach make it easier to design the right architecture and write high-quality source code simplifying updates and maintenance.


This framework is part of the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) covering main development aspects. All components have large communities and extensive support.

Simplified UI updates

With a declarative UI, developers make changes to the User Interface without refactoring app logic. Add powerful, interactive elements quickly without increasing app complexity.


A cost-effective way to launch an app or significantly improve User Experience. With the help of Lazy load, Angular apps update only necessary components. Load is decreased.

Cross-platform approach

With its mobile-first approach, apps look great on all mobile devices. Plus, source code can be reused specifically for mobile development with the help of hybrid frameworks.

Our Angular Development Services

Progressive Web
Applications (PWA)

PWA technology enables users to use your app without actually downloading it. Time to market is minimal. Our Angular development services ensure cost-effective PWA solutions that run on both online and offline modes. 

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Angular works extremely well for complex enterprise systems. Apps are highly scalable and suited for long-term maintenance. IT Craft builds a new system from scratch or recreates the core of your legacy system on a new tech stack.  

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A comprehensive, fully integrated toolset for both UI and service layers is available for you. Web development can start quickly. The IT Craft team builds and optimizes any functionality using a powerful ecosystem around the framework.

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Using an outsider's look, companies get their projects back on track and boost software development. IT Craft analyzes your goals and the current state of your project. Then, it recommends both immediate and long-term improvements. 

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Migration to

When your business sustainability depends on legacy technology, now is the best time to reorganize your app. IT Craft provides updates to decrease maintenance costs, add new features, and cover vulnerabilities.

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Support and

Cost-effective support and maintenance depend on the development team’s skills and experience. Our team increases performance, adds new features, decreases server costs, and more, helping you keep ROI high.

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Applications (SPA)

A service implemented as a single-page application lets users exchange information without refreshing the entire page. All required data is downloaded dynamically. Our developers deliver apps that work seamlessly on different devices. addresses common growth challenges such as low uptime, decreased stability, irrelevant software infrastructure, and more.

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Custom Angular Development Services

Angular can be adjusted to fit the client’s vision. Our team prepares flexible architecture, integrates required modules, and introduces test automation. It ensures a firm, long-term basis for project expansion.

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Tell us your requirements.
Get a plan!

Start moving forward today with IT Craft’s expert Angular app development services. 

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Our Case Studies

Our clients' success stories.
We love to hear what they say about us.

Stories of people impressed by our service offerings


Cedric Bernadac, Founder at Limpid Markets

“Their professionalism and availability are impressive. They always try to find solutions for any problem that comes up, whether it’s an additional workload or having to come up with a creative fix to a technical or organizational issue.”


Chris Scheid, Founder at MyCarrier

“Impressive design complements rigorous development, resulting in positive feedback from stakeholders.”


Co-Founder at XPERTyme

“I have been impressed by how fast IT CRAFT delivered our more complex features.”

Are you looking to boost efficiency?

Let's discuss your vision and determine how you can increase your bottom line with the help of our Angular app development services.  

Contact us

Awards and certifications

Top-rated Angular development agency: IT Craft has been ranked high on leading review platforms and marketplaces based on client reviews, provided services, market contribution, and expertise. 

Plus, our Angular development company invests in engineers' up-skill and certifications to ensure each client receives uncompromised services.

Our Angular Development Agency Process

Our Angular development agency uses a five-step approach to start working on your project as fast as possible.

Leading developers are in touch with you to eliminate any ambiguities:

  1. Send your requirements

    Mere minutes to fill in the contact form.

  2. Discuss objectives

    Schedule a call with a project manager to discuss your goals.

  3. Estimate scope

    Project manager provides an estimate and discusses further details.

  4. Assign a

    Project manager assembles a team of experts with all required roles.

  5. Kick-off development

    Once we have settled the details, the work starts immediately.

Why Choose IT Craft Angular Development Company?


IT Craft provides a proven delivery portfolio that meets clients' expectations, with the longest relationships lasting 10+ years.

All-in-one services

You get all required tech assistance in one place, including Angular consulting, project management, and infrastructure transformations.

Proactive approach

Your dedicated Angular developers focus on tasks that solve your business problems, actively suggesting relevant solutions.


Your team stays one call away from you. It provides Sprint plans and detailed reports on project progress. You enjoy transparent Angular development services.

questions from our clients

What is Angular development?

Angular is an open-source framework (not a library!) that uses the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern as a basis for dynamic, single-page web applications. 

Created by Google and backed by a large community, it is centered on delivering a perfect dynamic user experience. With its help, our Angular development company can launch apps on any level of complexity and easily maintain them.

Is Angular good for web development?

Yes, Angular is good for web development. It is a perfect fit when you want both design and development to start almost simultaneously. Multiple tools and a large ecosystem decrease development time.

Moreover, Angular runs efficiently in all browser environments, even in rare browsers, making both Angular nearshore development and offshore outsourcing a great option for startups and established businesses.

What are the main advantages of using Angular?

Consider the following reasons to choose Angular development services:

Boosted development cycle – Coherent structure and multiple templates save hours on basic works.
Extensibility – There is a large ecosystem with available components, plugins, testing tools, etc. 
TypeScript – One of the most popular programming languages today. It is easy to find and hire developers for a project with this required skill set.  
RxJS – With help from the Reactive Extension for Javascript (RxJS) library, developers can effectively produce asynchronous and callback-based source code. The app can handle several operations simultaneously. 
RxJS makes complex logic possible.  
Lazy loading – Thanks to NgModules lazy-loading feature, Angular app loads components only when needed. The initial bundle is small. This improves app performance. 

Still not sure? Opt for Angular consulting to see if it fits your project perfectly.

Is Angular good for large applications?

Yes, companies choose Angular development services for large apps. Angular is a great fit for building scalable apps due to its component-based architecture, two-way data binding, and rendering, which is perfect for e-commerce solutions.

What companies use Angular?

Among many others, the following companies rely on Angular application development services: 

  • Google
  • Nike
  • PayPal
  • Sony
  • Microsoft
  • Autodesk
  • The Guardian

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