PHP Development Services

Your app’s success depends on its back-end quality. At IT Craft, you get engineers with expertise in PHP based on your goals and challenges:

  • ensure secure app core
  • optimize performance
  • expand functionality

All required custom PHP development services to help you meet your end users’ highest expectations. 

Let’s discuss
  • PeakFactory
  • Adorama
  • Nandos
  • Fielodne
  • flexwise
  • Diamonds
  • RocketRoute

Custom PHP Development Advantages

PHP remains the backbone of the modern Web. 77.7% of websites and solutions choose PHP for its server side.   

Back-end reliability

PHP supports major database technologies and most servers. Source code is portable to every OS making it problem free to receive data from a user device, process it, and save it to the right database type. Operations are secure.

Front-end flexibility

PHP efficiently couples with front-end technologies. We select the most suitable front-end tool for each client’s needs and create a UI with the right complexity. Communication between software parts is seamless.

Variety of frameworks

Frameworks and libraries are abundant, decreasing overall development time and increasing the PHP development services quality. They have already been tested and improved. There is support from various communities.

Our PHP Development Services

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Custom PHP

Businesses are one step ahead of competitors by adjusting their software to each client’s unique demands. Using PHP for tailor-made solutions has been one of IT Craft’s key competencies for over 23 years.

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PHP is an excellent option for high-load solutions. It serves as the basis for busy marketplaces, trade portals, branded stores, and more. IT Craft engineers build your store and add the capacity to handle visitor influx. 

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Dedicated PHP

Complexity is never a problem. The team has all the knowledge necessary to enhance the project. IT Craft’s extensive expertise in custom PHP development services lets you unlock the potential of your idea.  

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Avoiding common pitfalls keeps your project on track and within budget. Our leading engineers apply acquired domain expertise to help you expand, upgrade, or scale your solution for a reasonable cost. 

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Migration to the newest PHP version is critical for project safety and high performance. Our PHP development services help you migrate seamlessly. No blocks to your business processes.

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PHP Back-End

The performance of your website or app depends critically on its back end. The IT Craft engineers build, update, and optimize the back end to help you balance costs and effectiveness.

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PHP Support and

Your software needs constant attention to ensure it is safe, scalable, and efficient—no problem. We provide 24/7/365 services. IT Craft's proactive attitude lets us detect and eliminate problems as soon as they emerge. 

  • Clutch
  • Upwork
  • Goodfirms

Need an app with a reliable back end? 

Let’s discuss your requirements. We will find the best possible path together.

Contact Us

Our Cases

Our clients' success stories.
We love to hear what they say about us.

Stories of people impressed by our service offerings


Cedric Bernadac, Founder at Limpid Markets

“Their professionalism and availability are impressive. They always try to find solutions for any problem that comes up, whether it’s an additional workload or having to come up with a creative fix to a technical or organizational issue.”


Charles Sakkal, Founder at eLaundry

“They’ve automated some of our work processes, so I’ve been able to save time and reallocate resources.”


Adam Orsi, VP of development at Flexwise

“The team makes good suggestions that not only make their life easier as a developer but also make the product better in the long run as well.”

Our PHP Development Agency Process

Here is how IT Craft developers provide high-end PHP development services to clients: 

  1. Project Discovery

    Our project manager and business analyst study your input information and discuss it with you to ensure a clear vision of your needs.

  2. Planning and estimates

    They present a roadmap containing the scope of provided PHP development services, timeline, team composition, and required skills. 

  3. Software development

    IT Craft experts focus on fast-paced development: design, front end, and back end. They provide deliverables every two weeks. 

  4. Launch

    When the project is ready, the team makes it available to end users online and helps elaborate if needed. 

  5. Support and maintenance

    Our custom PHP development company ensures timely updates, bug fixes, and constant software uptime.

Do you need scalable, high-performance software?

Our experts in custom PHP development services can help.

Contact us

Technologies Our PHP App Development Company Uses

PHP frameworks are a part of the open-source LAMP stack. This lowers the costs of PHP development solutions, supporting the needs of different project types: 



One of the most popular PHP tools, Laravel is a framework for rapid software development.

Its component-based structure and vflat learning curve enable fast-paced PHP development services. Developers launch a top-performing solution fast—and maintain it with less effort. 


Simple and easy to learn, Yii fits in with a tight project timeline.

It uses an intuitively clear MVC approach and supports a modular project structure, thus simplifying testing Yii-based software. Developers enjoy a robust environment.



One of the most popular PHP tools, Laravel is a framework for rapid software development.

Its component-based structure and flat learning curve enable it to launch a top-performing solution fast—and maintain it with fewer efforts.


The Zend framework is a popular instrument with a large community of contributors.

It ensures the scalability and stability of created solutions. Software developers decrease launch time by integrating ready-for-use modules and libraries.


CodeIgniter is a less popular yet extremely lightweight framework for building fully featured Web apps. It also applies to dynamic websites. 

It has a loose architectural structure, giving flexibility for PHP development services and supports relational databases, simplifying data handling.


CakePHP framework suits best project prototyping and idea testing. It provides remarkable performance on small SPAs and websites. 

CakePHP is based on the HMVC pattern and does not support data binding. In return, this simplifies routing. Also, CakePHP generates SEO-friendly URLs.

Awards and Recognition

IT Craft is a top PHP app development company, according to verified reviews and feedback from satisfied clients.

Why Choose Custom PHP Development Company IT Craft?

Our company provides you with the all-encompassing tech expertise needed for a successful project launch.

Here is why clients choose our custom PHP development services:

Full-cycle development

Our teams deliver turnkey PHP development solutions, ensuring each specific technical activity is covered with relevant expertise.

Immediate project start

You tell us your project details. We provide you with a roadmap and discuss cooperation terms. After we reach an agreement, the work starts. 

Agile PHP development services

Developers using Agile focus on your changing priorities. They switch flexibly, ensuring you spend the budget on functionality that increases your bottom line. 

Transparent communication

You hold regular meetings with your team. You get reports and new functionality at the end of a Sprint and test it on your own, knowing what you pay for.

questions from our clients

Does PHP have a future?

Yes, PHP remains an in-demand technology despite a decline in popularity.

As a part of the open-source LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack, it is widely used for web solutions by startups, SMBs, and enterprises. 

PHP frameworks have large, vibrant, supportive communities.  As a result, there is a constant demand for PHP development services and interest in technology updates and elaboration.

What are the benefits of using PHP?

The key benefits of using PHP web development services include: 

  • high performance and flexibility
  • wide pool of development experts
  • availability of frameworks that simplify development
  • readiness for use in the cloud

How much time will it take to complete my PHP project?

From our PHP app development company’s experience, it depends on the project scope:

A small prototype or a simple website is possible within 1 – 2 months.
A middle-complexity web-based MVP or an online store requires 4 – 6 months. 
A large Web solution or a marketplace takes 7+ months.

Why does my app need PHP maintenance?

PHP web development services and further maintenance are equally important for business success.

The maintenance team monitors app health. It optimizes the consumption of resources and scales the app when there is a user influx. It delivers security updates and technology updates.

Software degrades rapidly without the above activities. It also might be hacked. Both result in losses for a business.

Does PHP suit ecommerce projects?

Yes, PHP development services are a good option for ecommerce solutions.

PHP frameworks are flexible and scalable, coping with several types of user loads. 

Does PHP work on large projects?

Yes, it does.

For instance, a custom PHP development company works successfully on high-load projects such as video conferencing platform, professional social network, online car trading marketplace, translator portal, and many more. 

Why should I choose IT Craft’s PHP development services?

Consider adding IT Craft to your list of prospective providers when the following criteria are relevant to you:

  • decade-long expertise in custom PHP development services
  • unique, open-minded approach to each client and their needs
  • proactive attitude toward finding the best solution
  • decent quality-for-the-price ratio
  • all-in-one software development services

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